Lid spikes purple white enamelled ceramic flowers.
Lid spikes purple white enamelled ceramic flowers.
Lid spikes purple white enamelled ceramic flowers.
Lid spikes purple white enamelled ceramic flowers.
Glass and earthenware page marks
Marque-page composé d'une perle violette et turquoise de céramique, agrémenté d'un ruban à motifs floral, librrty. Perles modelé, coloré à l'émail puis cuite à 1000 degrés.
Bookmark composed of a turquoise pearl of ceramic, earthenware. Beads modeled, colored with enamel and then cooked to 1000 degrees.
Bookmark consisting of a pink ceramic pearl, embellished with small pearl beads. Pearl modeled, colored with enamel and then cooked to 1000 degrees.
Marque-page composé d'une perle marron clair de céramique. Perles modelé, coloré à l'émail puis cuite à 1000 degrés.
Ce jolie marque-pages est composé d'une perle de céramique vert (faïence blanche émaillé) monté sur un support de métal argenté.
This pretty bookmark is composed of a grey ceramic bead (enamelled black earthenware) mounted on a chiseled silver metal support and embellished with a black pearl.
Ce jolie marque-pages est composé d'une pièce de céramique rose (faïence blanche émaillé) monté sur un petit support de métal argenté ciselé et agrémenté d'un ruban liberty of London.
Bookmark composed of a yellow ceramic pearl, earthenware. Beads modeled, colored with enamel and then cooked to 1000 degrees.
This pretty bookmark is composed of a grey ceramic bead (enamelled black earthenware) mounted on a chiseled silver metal support and embellished with a black pearl.